Welcome to my world of words. The place where my professional writing collides with my personal world: written words I've submitted for publication, on social media pages, scribes on my journal during my commute and late night musings. I’m a creator, communicator and lifelong learner based out of Melbourne, Australia. Since I was gifted a journal at the age of six, I have been passionate about writing and storytelling. My mission is to connect people via stories of people and places. I've been a fashion blogger, food blogger and professional product reviewer. Now, I'm a web developer and business owner of my own boutique web dev studio, Sincere Copy and a podcast host.

I'm interested in how tech and AI is powering the future of work, particularly for women.

Web dev studio: https://sincerecopy.com

Medium member since September 2024
Connect with Samantha Chua
Samantha Chua

Samantha Chua

Website designer, aspiring writer, reader, mum, wife, daughter, immigrant. I'm embracing my multitudes and getting comfortable with being in the grey area.